Bashin Rd in Hatfield
Click on a property below to view additional details.
- None
Mixed Use (Primarily Agriculture, Some Commercial) owned by NOURSE FARMS INC - None
Agr-Vegetable owned by NOURSE REALTY, LLC - None
Truck Crops - Vegetables (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) owned by NOURSE REALTY LLC - None
Nurseries (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) owned by NOURSE FARMS INC - None
Agr-Vegetable owned by NOURSE REALTY, LLC - None
Agr-Vegetable owned by NOURSE REALTY, LLC - None
Mixed Use (Primarily Agriculture, Some Commercial) owned by NOURSE FARMS INC - None
Truck Crops - Vegetables (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) owned by NOURSE REALTY LLC - None
Agr-Vegetable owned by NOURSE REALTY, LLC - None
Nurseries (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) owned by NOURSE FARMS INC - None
Truck Crops - Vegetables (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) owned by SMIAROWSKI BROTHERS LLC - None
Agr -Haygrain owned by BELDEN LUTHER A INC - None
Agricultural/horticultural Land Not Included In Chapter 61a owned by NOURSE FARMS INC - None
Agr -Haygrain owned by BELDEN LUTHER A INC - None
Agr -Haygrain owned by BELDEN LUTHER A INC - None
Necessary Related Land-Farm Roads, Ponds, Land Under Farm Buildings (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) owned by BARTLETT ROBERT T JR - None
Truck Crops - Vegetables (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) owned by LUTHER BELDEN INC - None
Truck Crops - Vegetables (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) owned by YAGODZINSKI HELEN J - None
Agricultural/horticultural Land Not Included In Chapter 61a owned by SMIAROWSKI BROTHERS LLC - None
Agricultural/horticultural Land Not Included In Chapter 61a owned by SMIAROWSKI BROTHERS LLC - None
Mixed Use (Primarily Agriculture, Some Commercial) owned by YAGODZINSKI HELEN J - None
Truck Crops - Vegetables (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) owned by SMIAROWSKI BROTHERS LLC - None
Nurseries (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) owned by NOURSE FARMS INC - None
Nurseries (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) owned by NOURSE REALTY, LLC - None
Agr -Haygrain owned by BELDEN LUTHER A INC - None
Agricultural/horticultural Land Not Included In Chapter 61a owned by NOURSE REALTY LLC - None
Agricultural/horticultural Land Not Included In Chapter 61a owned by NOURSE NATHAN S - None
Nurseries (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) owned by NOURSE REALTY, LLC - None
Mixed Use (Primarily Agriculture, Some Commercial) owned by SMIAROWSKI BROS LLC - None
Truck Crops - Vegetables (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) owned by SZAWLOWSKI REALTY, INC., - None
Mixed Use (Primarily Agriculture, Some Commercial) owned by BURKE WILLIAM H - None
Truck Crops - Vegetables (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) owned by SZAWLOWSKI REALTY INC - None
Agricultural/horticultural Land Not Included In Chapter 61a owned by FRANK AND NANCY SZAWLOWSKI REA - None
Mixed Use (Primarily Agriculture, Some Commercial) owned by SZAWLOWSKI REALTY INC - None
Wet Land, Scrub Land, Rock Land (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) owned by BURKE WILLIAM H(LE) - None
Undevelopable Residential Land owned by SIKORSKI ROBERT M - None
Mixed Use (Primarily Agriculture, Some Commercial) owned by FRANK AND NANCY SZAWLOWSKI REA - None
Truck Crops - Vegetables (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) owned by FRANK AND NANCY SZAWLOWSKI REA - None
Truck Crops - Vegetables (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) owned by SMIAROWSKI BROTHERS LLC - None
Truck Crops - Vegetables (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) owned by SMIAROWSKI BROTHERS LLC - None
Agricultural/horticultural Land Not Included In Chapter 61a owned by FRANK AND NANCY SZAWLOWSKI REA - None
Agr -Haygrain owned by BELDEN LUTHER A INC - None
Mixed Use (Primarily Commercial, Some Agriculture) owned by FRANK AND NANCY SZAWLOWSKI REA - None
Dept. Of Conservation And Recreation (Dcr), Division Of State Parks And Recreation owned by COMMONWEALTH OF MASS